The title of this post translates from Latin to: "The appearances of things are deceptive". Or as I usually say, "Don't judge a book by its cover". I say this more than you may guess due to the fact that I had that Latin quote tatooed on my left arm 7 or 8 years ago. This morning I found yet another example of how true that sentiment is...
Whilst doing my normal mornining routine of checking out facebook, email, etc... I came across a link that led to another, then to another, and before you know it I was "hangin' ten" on a gnarly monster wave that crashed me on to the shell covered, sandy beach that is Susan Boyle. Yes, Gental Reader, I said, SUSAN BOYLE. Now before you send the tailors who make the white suits that have the sleeves that go all the way to the back. Hear me out. Better yet, click here, then get back to me .
In the words of my 14 y.o. daughter, "I KNOW!!!, RIGHT???". Maybe it is just me. I had heard of Susan Boyle. I kinda knew the basics: British Idol, not very pretty, really good singer, blah, blah, blah... It wasn't until I saw that video, that all the blah, blah, blah, made sense. Many of you are probably wondering what Pygmy village I have been hiding in the past couple of years, but I'm guessing that many others of you were as clueless as me.
The entire audience, even the judges, were bracing themselves for the "train wreck". I knew she was supposed to be good, but honestly, when I first saw her, I thought : "Great, another William Hung...". This from the guy who has "The appearances of things are deceptive" tattoo. (Just another example of my boundless hypocrisy) Yet, within 30 seconds, she has won over all of them. I thought it was AMAZING, and to any of you who were as cluless as I, I hope you were amazed too.
Fallaces sunt rerum species. Thank you Susan Boyle for reminding me again why I tattooed that on my arm so many years ago
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
One of the great lines from my favorite Western is the title of this post. In the movie Tombstone, Doc Holliday says to Wyatt Earp, "My hyprocricy knows no bounds..." (That was almost as good as "My Dear, You are not wearing your bustle. How LEWD..." but that is entirely another post ; ) ). Having just started this "blogging thang", I am unclear as to how this all happens. What to do. How to do it, and a multiple of other questions too numerous to list here. [Blogger note: I know my punctuation isn't exactly standard. Either deal with it, or consider me the lovechild of ee cummings..]
All I can say is that I have always liked to read and write. I've never kept a journal, but I've always got some narrative going on in my head. Now, I have a forum to release upon the world, what George Carlin might refer to as "Mind Droppings". Will the world even know about this little blog? I doubt it. Do I really care? Not really. I view it as a cathartic journey through life by putting my thoughts "out" there. I don't know whether to feel really "big" knowing that these words/thoughts can be viewed by anyone in the world. Or, really small... (What if I write something that offends someone? Wouldn't that be ironic that a beer truck driver in NC suddenly finds himself the object of a worldwide fatwa a la Soloman Rushdie???) Anyhoo... You are welcome to join my journey if you like. I welcome comments (Let's keep 'em civil folks...) and what will be will be.... But, as usual I digress....
My best friend Tim, (not his real name) was the first to give me feedback on my first two posts. Having known me for 30 years or so, I knew he would be brutally honest. Boy, was he. He didn't wait a whole day before exposing me as the "sham" that I am. After reading my first two posts, he sent me an e-mail telling me I sounded like "Beck". I am assuming he meant Glenn Beck, and not musicians Jeff Beck, or just plain Beck(best known for his song LOSER). The irony of all this is the fact that if you take just my first two posts, you'll think I am some kind of superconservitive political person. I'm not. Future posts could just as easily find me "geeking out" on how hackers are doing really cool things with the XBox Kinect(I'm not a gamer either) I'm just a regular guy driving a beer truck and listening to way too much NPR...
All I can say is that I have always liked to read and write. I've never kept a journal, but I've always got some narrative going on in my head. Now, I have a forum to release upon the world, what George Carlin might refer to as "Mind Droppings". Will the world even know about this little blog? I doubt it. Do I really care? Not really. I view it as a cathartic journey through life by putting my thoughts "out" there. I don't know whether to feel really "big" knowing that these words/thoughts can be viewed by anyone in the world. Or, really small... (What if I write something that offends someone? Wouldn't that be ironic that a beer truck driver in NC suddenly finds himself the object of a worldwide fatwa a la Soloman Rushdie???) Anyhoo... You are welcome to join my journey if you like. I welcome comments (Let's keep 'em civil folks...) and what will be will be.... But, as usual I digress....
My best friend Tim, (not his real name) was the first to give me feedback on my first two posts. Having known me for 30 years or so, I knew he would be brutally honest. Boy, was he. He didn't wait a whole day before exposing me as the "sham" that I am. After reading my first two posts, he sent me an e-mail telling me I sounded like "Beck". I am assuming he meant Glenn Beck, and not musicians Jeff Beck, or just plain Beck(best known for his song LOSER). The irony of all this is the fact that if you take just my first two posts, you'll think I am some kind of superconservitive political person. I'm not. Future posts could just as easily find me "geeking out" on how hackers are doing really cool things with the XBox Kinect(I'm not a gamer either) I'm just a regular guy driving a beer truck and listening to way too much NPR...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The State of the Union Address
Having watched the SOTU last evening, I was inspired by our Presidents words. You have to admit he is an effective speaker. MY first impulse was to put my hand on my wallet as he spoke. Grand plans, lofty goals, and an energy independant nation to boot. I am curious as how he can accomplish these things without us releasing the white knuckles gripping our wallets. We've heard it before, "READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES." All I can say is that I would like to believe that the man can do as he says he can, with no new taxes. But I fear that that will not be the case. In reality, it will take a partnership between the American Public and Government to get things back on track. This will involve austerity measures by the Government, probably more or new taxes imposed on us, and a general sacrifice across the board. I would be willing to do this if I thought that the Government would also do their part. I hope that they can, and will do the things necessary to get things back on track so future generations don't have to bear the burden of our leaders lack of foresight. Ultimately it is our fault though. WE elected these people. WE saw what they were doing. WE sat back and let things become as they are. While WE were shopping at Walmart (because they really do have low prices), wondering why our light bill was so high, and bitching about gas being over $3.00 a gallon. WE LET THESE THINGS HAPPEN!!! WE live in a Democracy folks. WE are starting to get a clue to how much say WE really have, and WE need to hold our leaders feet to the fire until WE are satisfied. Look at the Tea party, Republicans made a promise, and WE elected them based on those promises and WE need to hold them to their promises. It's not really a Republican or Democrat issue, It's a WE issue. What are WE going to do. I once heard that there are three types of people. Those that make things happen. Those that watch things happen, and those who wonder "What's happening".But make no mistake, WE will have to sacrifice also. WE can no longer have our cake and eat it too. I just hope that WE have the intestinal fortitude to make the sacrifices those that came before us did and I hope our leaders take their heads out of the trough long enough to act as their predessors did. If not, WE will be handing our future generations a heaping helping of our failure to act. Ladies and Gentleman, ELVIS has left the building...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Self Immolation, Jasmine Revolution, Social Media. Democracy in Arab Countries?
I don't know about you, but, I'm in awe of what is happening in North Africa and the Middle East. The people have had enough and aren't gonna take it anymore. They are taking to the streets and telling their rulers it is time to go. It started in Tunisia, and seems to be fomenting in Egypt. Who's next? Jordan? Libya? Yemen? Algeria? Hell, maybe Saudi Arabia. We as Americans should be rooting for these people. They face many of the same difficulties that our great nation faced before our birth. Representation, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. If these people can acheive these things, the world will truly be a better place. No more disaffected young men and women being brainwashed by Religious Radicals who wish to do us harm. Many of these youths fall in to this brainwashing because of desperation, lack of opportunity, and being told that the Infidel is the reason for all of their hardship.
I personally believe that other than oil, we are in Iraq and Afganistan to try to form a Middle Eastern Democracy, because if we can do that, some, hopefully all, will eventually become democracies also. This would be a beautiful thing. So we have spent billions and billions of dollars, too many American Service Peoples lives, to do what 26 year old Mohammed Bouazizi did with the desperate act of setting his self on fire in Tunisia. Thanks to the Internet, (Facebook, Twitter) and news organizations such as Al Jazeera, the people have access to an unprecedented amount of information not affiliated with the very governments they are oppressed by. This gives me hope that these people can go forward and achieve the liberties our forefathers achieved for us.
If you boil it down, regardless of race, religion, or creed, we as humans universally want to have Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
I personally believe that other than oil, we are in Iraq and Afganistan to try to form a Middle Eastern Democracy, because if we can do that, some, hopefully all, will eventually become democracies also. This would be a beautiful thing. So we have spent billions and billions of dollars, too many American Service Peoples lives, to do what 26 year old Mohammed Bouazizi did with the desperate act of setting his self on fire in Tunisia. Thanks to the Internet, (Facebook, Twitter) and news organizations such as Al Jazeera, the people have access to an unprecedented amount of information not affiliated with the very governments they are oppressed by. This gives me hope that these people can go forward and achieve the liberties our forefathers achieved for us.
If you boil it down, regardless of race, religion, or creed, we as humans universally want to have Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
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