Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The State of the Union Address
Having watched the SOTU last evening, I was inspired by our Presidents words. You have to admit he is an effective speaker. MY first impulse was to put my hand on my wallet as he spoke. Grand plans, lofty goals, and an energy independant nation to boot. I am curious as how he can accomplish these things without us releasing the white knuckles gripping our wallets. We've heard it before, "READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TAXES." All I can say is that I would like to believe that the man can do as he says he can, with no new taxes. But I fear that that will not be the case. In reality, it will take a partnership between the American Public and Government to get things back on track. This will involve austerity measures by the Government, probably more or new taxes imposed on us, and a general sacrifice across the board. I would be willing to do this if I thought that the Government would also do their part. I hope that they can, and will do the things necessary to get things back on track so future generations don't have to bear the burden of our leaders lack of foresight. Ultimately it is our fault though. WE elected these people. WE saw what they were doing. WE sat back and let things become as they are. While WE were shopping at Walmart (because they really do have low prices), wondering why our light bill was so high, and bitching about gas being over $3.00 a gallon. WE LET THESE THINGS HAPPEN!!! WE live in a Democracy folks. WE are starting to get a clue to how much say WE really have, and WE need to hold our leaders feet to the fire until WE are satisfied. Look at the Tea party, Republicans made a promise, and WE elected them based on those promises and WE need to hold them to their promises. It's not really a Republican or Democrat issue, It's a WE issue. What are WE going to do. I once heard that there are three types of people. Those that make things happen. Those that watch things happen, and those who wonder "What's happening".But make no mistake, WE will have to sacrifice also. WE can no longer have our cake and eat it too. I just hope that WE have the intestinal fortitude to make the sacrifices those that came before us did and I hope our leaders take their heads out of the trough long enough to act as their predessors did. If not, WE will be handing our future generations a heaping helping of our failure to act. Ladies and Gentleman, ELVIS has left the building...
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