Sunday, March 6, 2011

No, Nick Kristof, Islam is not the problem

            I just finished Nicholas Kristof's latest Op-ed entitled "Is Islam the Problem?" and agree with basically every point. Islam is not the problem, it is a Religion. In any Religion there are those who will co-opt, bend, bastardize, or corrupt, that Religion to meet their own goals. The only idea that I disagree with, is how the Arab world needs to look back, point fingers, to be able to move forward. The fact of the matter is, these people have had enough, and they are willing to lay down their lives to make a change. Right now, it doesn't matter what events led them to this point. What they need is whatever support the World Community can give, to aid them in their struggle for Freedom and Democracy.
            Since the Jasmine Revolution, I have been following the events in the Middle East with fascination and awe. Surely, I'm not the only person to see the parallels between what's going on there and the birth of our nation. Lands with natural resources, colonized by European nations, Unfair leaders, and the people's desire to be free, and make their own decisions. The only real difference is that they are the native people. [What we did to the native people when we colonized here is a whole other story, and yet another example of our Hypocrisy.]
            My only fear for the Middle East is this: Patience. The people have lost their fear, are emboldened by their successes, and ready for change RIGHT NOW! That "Right Now" , is what scares me the most. Cooler heads need to prevail, and let the people know that they have WON. BUT!, [There's always a "BUT!"] It's like winning the Lottery. The only problem with this Lottery is that there is no lump sum payment. You have to take your winnings over 26 annual installments. Therein lies the "rub", and my fear. Will the people be happy that they've won but with "delayed gratification?" or will they implode because they couldn't have it all now???
            All of that being said, the last point/idea I would like to put forth is this: The Middle East NEEDS Democracy. The reason I say this is for their own self preservation. [Not cheap gas for me] One day the oil is going to run out. What is the plan B for these countries? What do they have to fall back on when "gravy/oil train" runs out? Under a Democracy, businesses will sprout up, industries will form, and there will be something to fall back on when there is no more oil. To those who may scoff, and point out that there are few natural resources. I would point them to Japan.

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