Sunday, March 27, 2011

The lack of common courtesy and a preponderance of idiots

Whatever happened to common courtesy? It seems to me that it is something that can only be found in a dictionary. I'm at the convenience store the other day, walking to my car when a lady with her teenage daughter drove up and blocked me from backing out of my parking space so she could drop off her video to the RedBox. She had to have seen me walking to my car and I know she had to hear me beep the horn when she was walking to return her video. She just looked at me and kept on going. I believe that a man should never hit a woman, but my belief was tested right then. It's a good thing I don't own a gun because I don't have any strongly held beliefs about shooting one.
This is but one example of the daily rudeness that we all see. I sometimes wish I could just smack them upside the head and ask them "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING????" The only thing that holds me back is the fear that said idiot is "packing heat" or would probably sue me. So instead, I release my frustrations with cheap vodka and writing about it. Unfortunately, we have overcome Darwinisim, and now instead of survival of the fittest, there is survival of the dumbest. What the HELL happened? Nobody sent me the memo.
O.K., I know that we live in complicated times, and it is easy to get distracted, but c'mon. Of all the stupid things we see daily, only a few are caused distracted normal people. The rest, the biggest portion, are caused by IDIOTS whose mental faculties only allow them to focus on the task at hand. This leads me to the conclusion that it is not a lack of common courtesy, it is a preponderance of IDIOTS who are unable to be aware of anything other than their selves. So, what are we normal people to do? Do we run the risk of being sued or shot to point out their stupidity? Secretly hope that some other person will shoot them someday? In reality, I think we will all live a little bit longer if we just recite the mantra "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do". It's not quite as satisfying as whacking them upside the head, but in the words of Shrek, "That'll do Donkey, That'll do..."

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Am I getting old?

What's up with that random hair?
Growing older is a double edged sword. On one hand, you get "more comfortable in your skin". On the other, is all of the weird things that happen to your body. Things droop and get fleshy. [Is that a word?] Hair gets  grey or gone. Speaking of hair, I've had a revelation. "One does not lose hair, it merely gets transferred"[Mostly men]. What comes off of your head is not lost. It gets moved to your nose, ears, back, and butt. And let us not forget those random hairs that sprout up in the strangest places. It's almost as if our bodies have a genetic "Where in the World is Waldo??? game going on... 
There's a traitor amongst us...
[Background music. Mick Jagger singing "What a DRAG it is getting old"] That Traitor friends, is the body. Your body. My body. Every body. My mind says I can still do it, but my body "begs to differ".  Who knew that lifting a three pound bag of groceries out of the minivan could cause back spasms that last a week? Wasn't it just last month, that I was lifting "pony kegs " out of cars and toting them to various party venues at E.C.U.? Speaking of Alcohol. I've read that "Pot" is a lot stronger now, than it used to be, but when did they start making Alcohol stronger? I know they have. You can't convince me otherwise. My proof?[No pun intended] If they haven't made alcohol stronger, how is it that I can drink half as much as I used to, but feel twice as bad? Yeah, ponder that a minute.
Many examples of our bodies traitorous tendencies become evident upon visiting our Doctor. I'm not saying that there is any collusion between my body and my Doctor, but, I find it mighty coincidental that every visit nets a new prescription. I can't even eat breakfast anymore because I'm so full of pills. It starts out innocently enough. At first, the doctor "recommends" a multi vitamin, and while you're at it maybe one aspirin for good measure. Next visit, the "Doc" suggests that the ole' blood pressure is too high. Another pill.
Those first three pills are like the clickitty clack of the Roller Coaster as it climbs that first big hill of the ride.  Next thing you know, high Cholesterol. Boom. Another pill. Triglycerides out of whack. Pill. Restless Leg Syndrome. Pill.  Acid Reflux. Pill. Anxiety about all this. Pill. Nausea from all the pills. Pill. Not being able to "perform" for the once a month sex allotment. Blue Pill.
Oh, I forgot to mention the pills for the back spasms. So, is it just me? Or, does anyone else see a pattern here? I know I sometimes see things a little "differently", [Don't even get me started on the Hallmark Card Company and Lawyers...] but, something is going on.
The End 
I could go on for days, but It would probably be better to stop before I forget where I parked my "Rascal Scooter".

Sunday, March 6, 2011

No, Nick Kristof, Islam is not the problem

            I just finished Nicholas Kristof's latest Op-ed entitled "Is Islam the Problem?" and agree with basically every point. Islam is not the problem, it is a Religion. In any Religion there are those who will co-opt, bend, bastardize, or corrupt, that Religion to meet their own goals. The only idea that I disagree with, is how the Arab world needs to look back, point fingers, to be able to move forward. The fact of the matter is, these people have had enough, and they are willing to lay down their lives to make a change. Right now, it doesn't matter what events led them to this point. What they need is whatever support the World Community can give, to aid them in their struggle for Freedom and Democracy.
            Since the Jasmine Revolution, I have been following the events in the Middle East with fascination and awe. Surely, I'm not the only person to see the parallels between what's going on there and the birth of our nation. Lands with natural resources, colonized by European nations, Unfair leaders, and the people's desire to be free, and make their own decisions. The only real difference is that they are the native people. [What we did to the native people when we colonized here is a whole other story, and yet another example of our Hypocrisy.]
            My only fear for the Middle East is this: Patience. The people have lost their fear, are emboldened by their successes, and ready for change RIGHT NOW! That "Right Now" , is what scares me the most. Cooler heads need to prevail, and let the people know that they have WON. BUT!, [There's always a "BUT!"] It's like winning the Lottery. The only problem with this Lottery is that there is no lump sum payment. You have to take your winnings over 26 annual installments. Therein lies the "rub", and my fear. Will the people be happy that they've won but with "delayed gratification?" or will they implode because they couldn't have it all now???
            All of that being said, the last point/idea I would like to put forth is this: The Middle East NEEDS Democracy. The reason I say this is for their own self preservation. [Not cheap gas for me] One day the oil is going to run out. What is the plan B for these countries? What do they have to fall back on when "gravy/oil train" runs out? Under a Democracy, businesses will sprout up, industries will form, and there will be something to fall back on when there is no more oil. To those who may scoff, and point out that there are few natural resources. I would point them to Japan.