Thursday, February 3, 2011

Egypt. Hypocrisy. And I'm Really not that angry

On Jan. 25th I wrote my FIRST blog post. In it, I referenced the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, and mentioned that unrest seemed to be fomenting in Egypt. Well, "All Hell has broke out" in Egypt. I watch in fascination as events unfold there, and also, most all of the other countries I mentioned.
I like puzzles. I like to figure out how things work. I even like to figure out why things are the way they are. All of the events happening in the Middle East right now have got my mind working in overdrive. It almost feels like playing chess with six different players, simultaneously. But, (there's always a "BUT") instead of thinking that you are playing six individual games at once, what you're really doing is playing all six as one, with an almost unlimited number of outcomes based on the action/reaction of any, or all. It's almost impossible to explain all of the if's, then's...
What this situation in the Middle East really does, is expose our hypocrisy as a nation. We tell the world that Democracy is the way, (It IS) but we support rulers/autocrats that make our lives easier and help keep the price of oil low, regardless of the liberties that they deprive their people of. Here's a heretical thought, LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE! THEN LET'S SUPPORT THEM!! Many/most of the demonstrators in Egypt are well educated and aware of the world around them. They have access to the internet, social media, and mass media not controlled by their governments. They are aware. Yet, we are scared that some radical Islamist group will take control and we'll have to pay more at the pump. I believe the people of Egypt will get their freedom. I also think they will be a friend to America, or at least I hope so. Either way, it is THEIR choice, and if we truly believe in Democracy, we will support their choice.
So, America. Do we promote democracy, and lend a hand to those who strive to it? Or, do we only support other peoples goals as long as it doesn't interfere with the price of gas, or put Israel in jeopardy? Let's be honest, we Americans would not give a "crap" about Egypt, or the Middle East, were it not for oil. They would probably give a "crap" about us, if we weren't involved with Israel and trying to keep things "just so". (Hell, the majority of Americans couldn't even point Egypt out on a blank map of Africa. ["And we wonder why much of the world hates us."])Some people might. But, they are the same people trying to make the world understand the atrocities going on elsewhere in the world, like Darfour. (Don't get me started...) 
Bottom line... No matter what. I believe that, we humans; no matter of race, creed, or religion, all want the same basic things. Life. Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But unfortunately, right now, (I think[We Americans]) care more for our pets, than we do for our fellow Americans/Man. Most Americans, upon stumbling upon a homeless person with an emaciated dog, would show more compassion and empathy for the dog, than they would for their fellow man. But that is a whole other post...  Good luck Egypt...
(P.S. "Can somebody help me down from my Soap Box now???)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Unfortunately our leaders, whether you like/agree with them or not, are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Back the dictator and "we" are accused of hypocrisy, back the people and their quest for freedom and "we" are accused of warmongering. My opinion is to err on the side of the people seeking freedom, but I'm not in a position to make that decision. And I am one of those who believes that we have the means to fix the oil issue ourselves but are unwilling to do so.
    Also unfortunately I see far to many examples of your last paragraph. Some people seem content to go through life dead eyed, muddling after some new "thing" without regard for anyone else... I think the word is apathy.
    Just my thoughts.
