Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fallaces sunt rerum species

The title of this post translates from Latin to: "The appearances of things are deceptive". Or as I usually say, "Don't judge a book by its cover". I say this more than you may guess due to the fact that I had that Latin quote tatooed on my left arm 7 or 8 years ago. This morning I found yet another example of how true that sentiment is...
Whilst doing my normal mornining routine of checking out facebook, email, etc... I came across a link that led to another, then to another, and before you know it I was "hangin' ten" on a gnarly monster wave that crashed me on to the shell covered, sandy beach that is Susan Boyle. Yes, Gental Reader, I said, SUSAN BOYLE. Now before you send the tailors who make the white suits that have the sleeves that go all the way to the back. Hear me out. Better yet, click here, then get back to me .
In the words of my 14 y.o. daughter, "I KNOW!!!, RIGHT???". Maybe it is just me. I had heard of Susan Boyle. I kinda knew the basics: British Idol, not very pretty, really good singer, blah, blah, blah... It wasn't until I saw that video, that all the blah, blah, blah, made sense. Many of you are probably wondering what Pygmy village I have been hiding in the past couple of years, but I'm guessing that many others of you were as clueless as me.
The entire audience, even the judges, were bracing themselves for the "train wreck". I knew she was supposed to be good, but honestly, when I first saw her, I thought : "Great, another William Hung...". This from the guy who has "The appearances of things are deceptive" tattoo. (Just another example of my boundless hypocrisy) Yet, within 30 seconds, she has won over all of them. I thought it was AMAZING, and to any of you who were as cluless as I, I hope you were amazed too.
Fallaces sunt rerum species. Thank you Susan Boyle for reminding me again why I tattooed that on my arm so many years ago

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