Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Self Immolation, Jasmine Revolution, Social Media. Democracy in Arab Countries?

     I don't know about you, but, I'm in awe of what is happening in North Africa and the Middle East. The people have had enough and aren't gonna take it anymore. They are taking to the streets and telling their rulers it is time to go. It started in Tunisia, and seems to be fomenting in Egypt. Who's next? Jordan? Libya? Yemen? Algeria? Hell, maybe Saudi Arabia. We as Americans should be rooting for these people. They face many of the same difficulties that our great nation faced before our birth. Representation, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. If these people can acheive these things, the world will truly be a better place. No more disaffected young men and women being brainwashed by Religious Radicals who wish to do us harm. Many of these youths fall in to this brainwashing because of desperation, lack of opportunity, and being told that the Infidel is the reason for all of their hardship.
    I personally believe that other than oil, we are in Iraq and Afganistan to try to form a Middle Eastern Democracy, because if we can do that, some, hopefully all, will eventually become democracies also. This would be a beautiful thing. So we have spent billions and billions of dollars, too many American Service Peoples lives, to do what 26 year old Mohammed Bouazizi did with the desperate act of setting his self on fire in Tunisia. Thanks to the Internet, (Facebook, Twitter) and news organizations such as Al Jazeera, the people have access to an unprecedented amount of information not affiliated with the very governments they are oppressed by. This gives me hope that these people can go forward and achieve the liberties our forefathers achieved for us.
     If you boil it down, regardless of race, religion, or creed, we as humans universally want to have Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

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